Monday, March 12, 2012

 "Mom, when you worship, others worship with you...
When you read scriptures, other people listen to you read scriptures.
God chose you to be His minister and when you minister, it makes Him
happy. And He chose you to be my mom."  Jessie Boone


Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord God is with you. He is MIGHTY TO SAVE! He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His Love, He will rejoice over you with singing... - Mighty to Save - Hillsong

Once again, Jessica Boone is facing another challenge.  Please, please pray for this sweet young
lady.  I feel compelled to share the updates for Jessica through this blog.  I pray that each of you who read this will feel God's call to pray for Jessica Boone.  She is his precious child and He is
putting her on my heart.  I'm pretty sure He is putting her on your heart as well.  Please pray...

March 11, 2012 Sunday

Posted 10 hours ago

The last 24 hrs Jess has become sicker with positive blood
cultures again. She has been started on another IV antibx again and
an Infectious Disease Dr. has been called. She is unable to eat and
has waves of nausea and abdominal pain. She will be going down for
a CT scan in just a little while to make sure nothing is going on
in her abdomen. She is so sick and is unable nor wants to eat

So tonight we continue to lift up all this to the One who knows ALL
things....Who holds ALL...

It is so very hard to watch Jess get sick all over again especially since she had really began to turn around...We continue to set our face like flint to God waiting upon Him to deliver her from all of this hospital hell. I have been angry today as it seems the longer we stay here the more she has to face and endure. But once comes peace....A beautiful verse came today via chocolate chip cookies and a dear friend of Jessie's......Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord God is with you. He is MIGHTY TO SAVE! He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His Love, He will rejoice over you with singing...

And that is exactly what He has done. He has quieted us with His love....and we know He is with us...and WE KNOW HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE!

She is drinking 1000 ccs of contrast as I type in between her abdominal pain and her waves of nausea. Yet she forges forward. She is so obedient and kind no matter what she is enduring.

Around 3 am Jessie wasn't sleeping. She clearly said, "Mom"... "What baby?" " I have some thoughts I need to share with you." "OK, what are they? We had been dealing with pain and nausea all night so I just assumed she was going tell me more about this and she clearly said these words.. "Mom, when you worship others worship with you...When you read scriptures, other people listen to you read scriptures. God chose you to be His minister and when you minister, it makes Him happy. And He chose you to be my mom."

I gently thanked her for sharing her thoughts and picked up my journal and wrote exactly what she had shared with her mom. I'm not sure what it means but I have it tucked away in my journal to keep forever. In the midst of all the suffering...there is God...speaking, loving, holding, and revealing Himself through a child....

Mom, when you minister it makes God happy...and He chose you to be my mom....Wow....and I believe that was straight from God's heart through Jessie.

Thank you God that you chose me to be her mom.....Thank you God that You are so close and present...Thank you God that nothing is too big for You. Thank you God that You are not finished....Thank you God for the grace and strength to make it through this day. Thank you God for this day..Your worship and celebrate You...Thank you God for prayer, for hope, for all who breathe Your name...Father...Abba...Healer...Savior...Redeemer...Provider...All is well.....amen and amen....

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