Monday, October 24, 2011

Good Rain or Bad Rain? I choose Good.

photo by Donna Dobbs - "You put the light in me" - Brandon Heath

Psalm 118:24
This the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Don't you just love Mondays?

I must admit I don't always have a positive attitude on Monday mornings. 

The fact of the matter is that Mondays are just as painful or as pleasant as I choose to make them.  It's all in my attitude!

Today I have a choice.  I can be positive and joyful, looking for the best in every situation,  OR I can be negative and critical.  It's up to me how this day will go.

My friend, Chad, posted this on Facebook today.

"Good Rain fighting Bad Rain"
by Emma

So Emma wrote a book today. This is a page out of it. She says it's "good rain fighting bad rain." She told me "I haven't decided who wins, but if the bad rain wins it's going to be bad for everybody. REALLY bad."

I hope Emma's "good rain" won the fight in Emma's art.  Emma may be young but she gets it.   We get to choose good rain or bad rain every single day.

Today I choose Emma's good rain.  I choose to be positive.  I want to leave each person I meet today feeling a little better than they did before our encounter.  This day I want to be salt and light everywhere I go.

What would this day look like if I gave my everything?
Proverbs 23:7a KJ 2000
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he...

Henry Ford is quoted as saying:

"If you think you can do a thing or if you think you can't do a thing,
you're right either way." 

So why not believe you can accomplish whatever is set before you? We Christians should be the most positive optimistic people around.  We have the Power of the Holy Spirit living within us, and HE provides everything we need to face any challenge.  How can we be negative or down-in-the-mouth?  Our future is with Christ.  That's something that should fill our hearts with joy and optimism.  With God on my side, what can this world do to me, right?

Colossians 3:23-24 NIV
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.  Christians should be the hardest working, most productive workers any employer can have. We should also be the best bosses and the best teachers.  Our work ethic should be outstanding.  We should be peacemakers among our  co-workers and classmates, and never be one who stirs up discontent or friction. Our bosses and teachers should be able to depend on us to do our jobs without supervision and with excellence - just as if we were working for the LORD.  We should always do our very best at work, at school and at home, because everything we do should glorify God.Deuteronomy 10:12 NLT “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases Him, and love Him and serve Him with all your heart and soul.
What does the LORD require of us?  That we respect Him and live in a way that pleases Him.  We are to love and serve Him with all our hearts and souls.  My attitude on the job or in the classroom, or with my family should be a reflection of my love and respect towards God.

Today I choose to work as if I'm working for the LORD.  No complaining.  No procrastinating.  Instead, today I will have a good attitude.  I will work diligently, giving my best to every job no matter what it is. I will work as if Jesus was standing over me, watching every move, because HE is.
He sees me when I don't give my best.  He knows if  I'm capable of more than I'm giving.  I don't want to
disappoint Him by giving less than I can.

What job does God have for me to do today?  How will He use me in His service?  How will my work ethic and attitude affect those around me?  Will others see Jesus living in me?  How I live today will affect others for good or bad.  It's my choice.

Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca Reigler

There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes. ~William J. Bennett, The Book of Virtues

There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go.    ~Frederick Faber

Holy Father, it's so easy to let myself be negative on Mondays.  I think of facing a whole week without a break, and I get all doom and gloomy.  Today, LORD, please help me to remember that every day is a gift from You.  This day You will put before me opportunities to be Your Hands and Feet.   Help me to make the most of every moment.  Help me to be Salt and Light to everyone I meet.  Help me to make a  good difference - on the job, at school, at home, where ever I am.  I don't want to waste this day.  I don't want to just go through the motions, mumbling and complaining, feeling sorry for myself.  Help me to be positive and encouraging.  I want to show Your love to everyone around me this day so that You will be glorified in my life.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray. Amen. - Motions - Matthew West

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