Saturday, October 29, 2011

Telling the world

"Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”
St. Francis of Assisi 
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Matthew 28:16-20
Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.  When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
 Emma and Oscar
I met Oscar and Emma a few years ago through a correspondence course our church offered.  Emma had signed up to take the World Bible Study course, and I was assigned to be her study helper.  After a few months, we lost contact when I stopped participating with World Bible School. 

A couple of years later, after a sermon on the Great Commission,  I realized how little I actually "evangelize".  My excuse was that I was surrounded by believers and didn't have much opportunity to "witness" to non-Christians. I guess this wasn't a very good excuse because God kept putting it on my heart that I needed to share the gospel with others. I wasn't reaching out to the lost like I should, but didn't feel comfortable "knocking on doors" like my Dad does. He goes to where the people are instead of waiting for them to come to his church!  I'm too chicken for that. But then I remembered my former students from World Bible School, how hungry they were for the Word. So I decided to reach out to them again. I wrote letters to a few of my former students and was able to re-establish contact with Emma from Kenya.

I was accepting the Great Commission of Christ.  I was "going into all the world".

Funny thing happened on my way to Africa.  God blessed me with Emma and Oscar!  Although my intention was to "evangelize" others, Oscar and Emma have become my teachers.  They have demonstrated real faith - faith that stands firm against all odds.  Believing when it makes no sense.  I sought to obey the great commission by "teaching the gospel to the lost souls in Africa", but instead Oscar and Emma taught me how to live the gospel, not just talk about it.

When I first begin talking to Emma about their ministry, Happy Choice, I asked her what all Happy Choice did.  She sent me a copy of their plan for Happy Choice. It was well written and the ideas they had for the future seemed very optimistic, at least to me.  Here were two people who didn't have material blessings to share but that didn't stop them from taking in several children who had been orphaned and left alone on the streets.  Oscar's church, which consists of mostly widows and the poor, was providing some food from time to time. And Oscar had a couple of friends who would donate food when they had it.  But other than that, it was Oscar and Emma trusting God to give them what they needed to take care of these children.  And HE has been faithful.

Emma told me that when she and Oscar got married, he told her that he had many children and that if they got married, she would have to love those children as her own.  She agreed, and together they have cared for several orphans over the years.  Right now, there are twelve children living in the hostel with several others in the village who need help, too.  The local children live in very poor situations, usually with a sick mother or grandmother who has no real way to provide for the children other than a roof over their heads. So Oscar helps these kids, too.

Living at the hostel,  Timoland is one of the oldest, and he has been with them for nine years.  He considers Oscar and Emma and all the children his family.  He is a very big help in caring for the younger children.  Timoland will be graduating from secondary school in the next few days and has hopes of attending a university.  He wants to be a doctor, and just like Oscar, he wants to help needy children.  I believe God will give Timoland everything he needs to accomplish this very optimistic dream.  Like Timoland, every child who lives at the Hostel has seen God move in powerful ways.  They know HE is able to do the impossible.

As I think about what all God has done for Happy Choice, I'm amazed.  So many of the plans that were on that original paper Emma sent to me, have come true.  They have a new latrine, new hostel, new kitchen, and they even have running water piped in from Kisumu!  That was a bonus from God.  It wasn't listed on their original plan, but the children kept getting sick with typhoid and malaria.  Their water source was a bateria ladened river that was used for everything from drinking/cooking to bathing to washing clothes, to watering their gardens... Animals used the same river, of course.  The kids were sick so often.  I asked about building a well or a water filtering system, but Oscar told me that the best way would be to have water piped in from the nearby city of Kisumu.  It was less expensive than having a well dug.  Oscar had the water faucet set up near the hostel - outside - so that others in the village can use it also. That's so like Oscar - sharing his blessings with others. Since God provided the piped water and also, mesquito nets, the kids are hardly ever sick.  God is faithful.

I just wanted to share this story, again, to give people hope.  God continues to provide and care for these children through Oscar and Emma and through "well-wishers" as Oscar says.  To think that God would allow me to have this front row seat to witness His faithful provision towards this ministry touches my heart more than I can explain. I feel honored that God has shown me His goodness and compassion through Happy Choice.  I've seen HIM work in this ministry in amazing ways.  Someone asked me how I know God is real. My answer is that GOD is the only explanation for what I've seen happen with Happy Choice.  There's no other way to explain all that has been accomplished in this little ministry. Through it all, Oscar and Emma have remained steadfast in their faith - even during times when there seemed to be no hope, they both trusted God.  And He is always faithful.

Oscar has seen a need and has done everything he can to answer that need.  His heart's desire is that every homeless child would come to know his Friend, Jesus.  When Oscar was a young teen, he was left on his own after both his parents and older brother died. He told me that one day he met a new Friend. This Friend took care of him and provided for him and protected him.  This Friend never left him alone.  Oscar knows how it feels to be alone on the streets.  He knows how much those homeless children need hope.  He wants them to have the Hope that he has.  So one child at a time, he is spreading the gospel, telling others about his Friend, Jesus.

Oscar and Emma consistently renew my faith with their faithfulness.  I have a safe place to sleep each night.  I have food on the table for every meal.  I have clean water.  I have everything I need and most of what I want.
But sometimes I forget to thank God for my blessings.  Oscar never forgets to praise God in all circumstances.  There are days when the cupboard is bare - no food at all. Can you imagine?  He has twelve children plus three of his own - all hungry and looking to him to feed them.  But there is no food.
Then, I get an email from Oscar, asking for a little help with the food situation.  Breaks my heart that he has to ask. Emma told me once that it is very hard for Oscar to have to ask for help.  She says he tries so hard to take care of the children without burdening anyone else, but sometimes he just can't do it.  I wished he never had to ask.  And I have prayed for the day when Oscar would have consistent monthly support from "well-wishers" so that money for food would always be there - before he had the need.  I believe that's beginning to happen.

Happy Choice is now one of the ministries that is listed on the Lost Orphans Website.  Lost Orphans is an organization that works with several other ministries that provide assistance to orphans all over the world.  Through Lost Orphans' website, people can sign up to sponsor one of Oscar's children.  This can be done monthly, randomly throughout the year, or just a one time donation.  The sponsorships have already begun to make a difference.  The added blessing of being part of Lost Orphans is that donations are now tax deductable!  This was something I struggled with for a long time.  In the past, we have received some pretty large donations, and I hated that we couldn't provide a tax benefit.  But now we can through Lost Orphans!  Once again, God has provided in amazing ways. 

Oscar's latest goal is to provide bibles as Christmas gifts to as many people as he can.  After a breakin last month, Oscar also wants to build a fence around the Happy Choice compound in order to make it a little more secure from intruders. If the children need to use the latrine in the middle of the night, they must walk a little distance to the latrine.  With strangers lurking around, this is not safe any more.  Most homes do have fences for protection so this is not an uncommon practice.  As Oscar says, we're trusting God to protect and provide however He sees fit. 

I was going to send Oscar's email.  His words always encourage me and pump me up to do more for the Kingdom.  But as always, I've babbled on way too long.  If you'd like to read Oscar's email, just let me know.  I'd love to share it with you.

I have an  update on Felix, one of the young men who has been with Oscar and Emma for several years.  Felix didn't do as well in school as Timoland, but Felix is mechanically inclined. A few months ago, Oscar requested tuition for mechanic school for Felix and God provided.  Felix is now a certified mechanic! He is looking for a job and all he needs is his own tools.  We're trusting God for that, too. 

Thank you all for taking the time to read about my dear friends.  Thank you for praying for this little ministry that is touching the lives of not only the children who live at Happy Choice. It also has touched several of our hearts to witness such faithful believers as Oscar and Emma.  They are definitely making a difference in this world through their testimony to God's faithfulness. 

God wants us all to be Oscars and Emmas.  Maybe not in Africa, but somewhere.  Where is God drawing you to minister?  Don't think just because you don't have great financial resources to share that God doesn't want to use you.  All of us are certainly asked to give according to how we have been prospered but not everyone has the "Gift" of giving.  What are your gifts? We all should be ministering to others, one way or another.  God put this little ministry on my heart.  There's no doubt about it.  I know God is working in your lives, too. If you don't know where He's leading you, ask Him to give you opportunities to serve Him.  He'll do it, if you just pay attention.  But when He puts a ministry on your heart, allow Him to use you however He sees fit.  It's not always about money.
But it's always about your heart.  Love them like Jesus.  Carry them to Him.  That's our most important mission.  The Great Commission of Jesus.

James 1:27
 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. - What Can I Do - Paul Baloche

Father, I give You all praise and honor, for You alone are worthy. I am in awe of Your goodness and Your faithfulness in my life and in the lives of others, like Oscar and Emma.  I feel extremely blessed to have these two very special people in my life.   Father, thank You for teaching me about true faith through Oscar and Emma.  Thank You for teaching me about sacrificial service through their unselfish lives.  I thought I was going to teach them, but instead, LORD, You used these sweet godly people to teach me.  Thank You for the wonderful blessing of our friendship and love.  Father, forgive me for all the times I fail to go where You want me to go.  Forgive me for making excuses of why I can't do this or that.  Forgive me for ignoring Your direction.  Help me to hear when You speak to me.  Help me to honor You with my obedience to Your calling in my life.  I may not have much to offer others but I want to give what I can give.  I want to serve however You want me to serve.  Use me, Lord, however You see fit.  Let my life be for Your glory.  That is my prayer in Jesus' Holy Name.  Amen.

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