Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Blessing of being Real - Give Me Your Eyes - Brandon Heath

“And Jesus, when he came out, saw many people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd, and he began to teach them many things.” Mark 6:34

Doesn't this verse just touch your heart? Our Savior, the Son of God, has great compassion for the hurting and the lost. "He saw many people and was moved with compassion towards them because they were as sheep not having a shepherd". Do I see what Jesus saw when I walk into a room, or when I'm shopping at the mall, when I'm at work or school, or sitting in church? Do I have compassion when I walk among the lost in my community? Or do I walk right past without giving them a second thought?

People are hurting, but they don't trust others enough to open up. We're consumed with looking good on the outside; and we hide who we really are. We put on our masks and only show the world what we think will be "acceptable". And why do we play these games? We do it so that people will like us and respect us, and maybe, just maybe they will be our "friend". How many of us truly let others see who we really are - on the inside?

Being transparent is scary. It means no more secrets. No more lies. No more pretending. That's not easy for most of us. We are afraid that if our friends knew the truth, they wouldn't be our friends anymore.

How truthful are you when you go out into the world?

If you and I aren't always truthful about what's really going on in our lives and the struggles we're facing, don't you think that there are lots of people just like us who look good on the outside but on the inside they are falling apart?

We are isolating ourselves from people who just might surprise us and be more than willing to come along side offering encouragement and understanding. And even worse, when we don't open up and share our struggles, we may miss opportunities to help someone else who is going through the same thing we've already gone through and survived. When we are transparent and real, we open the doors for others to be transparent, too.

Galatians 6:1-3 
Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.

1. If I see a fellow believer overcome by sin, Jesus says to gently
and humbly to try and help that person find his way back.

2. When I try to help someone who is struggling, I must be on guard less I
fall into the same sin.

3. Jesus wants me to help others who are burdened - to come along side
and help them to get through the struggle.

4. And if God puts someone on my path who needs help, I should never
think I'm too busy or too important to stop and help, however I can.

This is the law of Christ. He taught his disciples to help others, whether it was a physical need or a spiritual need. And we are to be His Hands and Feet.

Don't underestimate the people around you. You may just be surprised at how much they care and how willing they are to help. You might just find out that they need some encouragement, too. And when we help each other, we become the true Body of Christ.

Holy Father, give me Your eyes for the hurting and suffering around me. Help me to really see each person you put in my life every day, whether it's the cashier at the grocery store or man who cut me off in traffic. Let me see those crossings of paths as opportunities to be Jesus to a hurting world. Lord Jesus, You were never too busy to help others. You were never too tired. Please forgive me when I think what I have to do this day is more important than taking a few minutes to encourage a friend who is suffering. Lord, teach me to listen, really listen not just to the words someone says, but to the unspoken words, the body language that clearly shows pain. Lord I realize that I may not be the one to help every friend who is struggling in silence. Not everyone will be able to open up to me, but Lord, help me at least give them the option by letting people know I care.

I've got a long way to go, Lord. I need You to prompt me to put myself out there so that others won't see me as someone who has never struggled. I want people to know that I have struggled and You've gotten me through every time. I will be Your witness. You are so faithful. I love You Lord. May my life reflect Your goodness and kindness and compassion to everyone you put in my life. It's in Your precious Name, Jesus, that I ask these things. Amen.

One more thing.  Be careful with your words.  Not everyone around you is transparent.  When you tell a demeaning joke or make a disparaging comment about someone or some group of people - that's not kind.  And you never know if the person standing right next to you may be offended by your careless words.  
Here's the test.  Would you tell the joke or even laugh at a joke that made fun of someone who suffered from a mental illness if you knew that your best friend's brother or sister suffered terribly with mental issues?  Probably not.  Well, just remember, people aren't always transparent.  Your best friend's loved one may be struggling with something you just joked about.  Maybe your best friend even struggles with the challenge you find so funny, and he/she doesn't share his/her pain with you because you make jokes that make you seem unsympathetic and insensitive.   Be kind with your words.  Lift others up.  Don't hurt anyone with careless words.
Colossians 4:6, NIV. “Let your conversation be always full of grace, . . . so that you may know how to answer everyone.” - Stained Glass Masquerade - Casting Crowns

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